people need to lighten the fuck up

shit like this is soo irritating

people that are that outragoues should be forced to buy all remaining stock and pay for any potential profit the company would have made so they can have their way. fuckin crybabies


i think the bear is cute

shit, if it was my company, I would have told them to shut the fuck up, and then make even more politically incorrect bears, like a drunken midget bear (that comes soaked in whiskey), a black bear in a prisoner uniform holding a little bucket of fried chicken. Maybe even a Jewish bear, it could have a little yamika and sell for half the price of the other bears. Not because I dislike midgets, blacks, or Jews… Just to be a dick.

i bet we see those on ebay for thousands of dollars

People are fucking RETARDED.

On a side note the cost of those fucking bears are retarded. Yes they are cool, but 100 bucks for a fucking bear? christ

Ooooh, a “fucking bear Christ” doll would be priceless and sure to offend…