People who ride BMX..

i wanna ride again
mostly street

what kinda bike should i get
i used to ride a Haro

What do you suggest?

What are you looking to spend? I always got my stuff from They sell some good bikes I would check them out.

ehh not looking to spend a ton, but dont wanna cheap out

id say maybe like 2-4 hundred

at that range you’re probably better off buying a complete bike from one of the big manufacturers, or ideally finding a good, higher end used bike that someone built, as long as its not beat to shit.

i miss riding street :frowning:


at that range you’re probably better off buying a complete bike from one of the big manufacturers, or ideally finding a good, higher end used bike that someone built, as long as its not beat to shit.

i miss riding street :frowning:


yeah thats what i figured, i was looking at some of the new haros like the f3, but it weighs 35 pounds.

and i dont wanna spend tons because its not like i plan on going pro or gonna spend all day riding.

and i miss riding too, after someone stole my bike, now that i moved i kinda wanna ride again

Check that site out they have bikes in all different price ranges. I have never heard anything bad about DK, Hoffman or Eastern.

alright thanks, ill take a look at them

if anyone else has brand names that they would choose let me know

[quote=“Bsp TC,post:5,topic:39012"”]

yeah thats what i figured, i was looking at some of the new haros like the f3, but it weighs 35 pounds.


I haven’t been following what the different manufacturers have out these days, but you can get a bunch of weight off a bike by taking off all the bs parts they have on them. Cut the extra 6" off the seatpost, take off the pegs, or at least on one side, lose the gyro and front brakes and just run a long single cable to the back.

Even so, weight won’t matter all that much if you know what you’re doing. Last 20" I had was about 30lbs, and I could still bunny hop about 30" after having not ridden street for 3 years before that.


I haven’t been following what the different manufacturers have out these days, but you can get a bunch of weight off a bike by taking off all the bs parts they have on them. Cut the extra 6" off the seatpost, take off the pegs, or at least on one side, lose the gyro and front brakes and just run a long single cable to the back.

Even so, weight won’t matter all that much if you know what you’re doing. Last 20" I had was about 30lbs, and I could still bunny hop about 30" after having not ridden street for 3 years before that.


yeah weight doesnt matter to much to be seeing as my last bike weighed in the high 30’s.

theres someone selling a used haro 540 air for 100$, ill check that out or just get a new haro and use some weight reduction.

so much old school in here. i was sayin the same shit till i got back into it about 5 months ago…

lighter FTW.

[quote=“Bsp TC,post:9,topic:39012"”]

yeah weight doesnt matter to much to be seeing as my last bike weighed in the high 30’s.

theres someone selling a used haro 540 air for 100$, ill check that out or just get a new haro and use some weight reduction.


uhg don’t buy the haro. If you want to get into bmx again spend around 300 and buy a complete from an actual bmx company, I suggest either a Fit, a kink, or a we the people complete.

other mailorders:


uhg don’t buy the haro. If you want to get into bmx again spend around 300 and buy a complete from an actual bmx company, I suggest either a Fit, a kink, or a we the people complete.

other mailorders:



i was looking at kinks

so i like the Kink Gap

or the FIT PRO PARK BIKE 2008

Freeagent. I got a freeagent and I love it. And my buddies uncle is/ was sponsored by Kink: Jim Ceilinski (sp?) and his Kink frame was real nice.

I remember riding with Jim Cielencki 10 years ago at the Union trails. He owns Sunday now.

Yessir, my buddy just bought a bike from him and he hooked my buddy up! Great guy.

aww man i miss my dirt jumping days :frowning:

I wish my back would hold out… cause UB has some nice 11-15 sets and some pretty technical areas that look way too fun


I remember riding with Jim Cielencki 10 years ago at the Union trails. He owns Sunday now.


HAHA u used to ride at union?!?! what a small world.

get ahold of mindless, he works at a bike shop and im sure can hook you up


HAHA u used to ride at union?!?! what a small world.

get ahold of mindless, he works at a bike shop and im sure can hook you up


i would get ahold of him but i moved outta state recently.

BUY my general lee yo I used it like twice.