haro bmx bike

looking to get some money for my Haro group one Sr20. i bought it 2 summers ago and it was lightly used this summer. i usually ride my mountain bike so this is kind of a cruiser. its in great shape. Maxxis holy roller tires. other then that its pretty much stock. theres a small rip in the seat from when i set it on the bars to change the tires. looking to get $250 for a great bikehttp://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2574/34/64/554992165/n554992165_2264151_7940460.jpg

i dont think its worth 300 btw

it was just over 450 new. and had light use for one summer. plus i dont do much bmx so there aren’t any problems/ bends/ anything. open to offers anyway

not to harsh your buzz but resale on bmx stuff is terrible.


yo walker…

If i had money i’d buy a new BMX

thanks for the feedback anyways. i havent really sold a bike before haha. but ill consider all offfers


gonna need a little more then that

no one wants a bike in winter im sure. but bump anyways

$100.01? thats a little more

keep shit out of the thread

hey. warm weather is coming so new price on the haro. bumping it up. 250 obo


possibly. i have someone else interested right now at asking price. but if it falls through like i think it will, we will talk for sure. i need cash. IM TRYING TO BUY A CAR

alright, lemme know. ive been missing my bike, it burnt in the housefire almost a year ago! :frowning:

oh man, that sucks. well ill let you know in the next few days here

bump. looking for 250. open to resonable offers

make me an offer.

bump it up. nobody wants this? summer is coming! open to offers

bump. i need the cash. make an offer