People With Money In the Market

wow, I’m impressed. Just checked my mutual fund and it’s only down 1.x% this quarter… not too bad considering, thought it was going to be worse (I don’t follow it day to day).

Buying more stock is also a plus

Dear BWLD,
I love you. I will be eating your wings again tonight to celebrate.
<3 Joe.

I hope you fucking choke on your wings.

all aboard the BWLD train…


:word: me too.

not as bad as a month ago though…


that is not proper short term planning.

and the carnage continues. -$570 and falling.

:frowning: I actually didn’t do too bad. I’m sure my mutuals aren’t happy but im not going to bother checking.

personal rate of return for the quarter



Bro you gonna be rich! lol

Anyone playing the dead cat bounce on fannie/freddie?

Thinking about it. But probably leaving it alone.

FNM $0.89 +0.16 (21.92%)

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand dead cat bounce.

A curly haired kid (AKA JEW) at work with money in the market was looking into buying AT&T… His reasoning is that its the lowest its been in 2 years and he has a “hunch” that its going to rebound.

Of course I don’t know how much I would trust a Jew’s hunch when they should have had a “hunch” when hitler started to gain ground.

FNM 1.14 + 0.405 (+55.48%)

And sold. God I love those. Apparently no one else here wanted to make some easy money.

Lehman down another 42% today…im gonna play this one too.

Did you get in it? I came into my room after a run and was like “damn yo I best pick up a few g’s in LEH dawg.” It was down about 40% only to find out the money I moved to brokerage from checking isnt going to clear till tomorrow. :frowning:

I got in for 1000 shares at 4.20. Hovering around $5 right now.

not bad, not bad.