
shoulda made this a poll.



coke all day long

coke is so much better

lets just say pepsi > coke and lets not forget that pepsi also offers Dr. Pepper and Mt Dew !!! hands down pepsi



pepsi, the carbon in coke drives me batty.

Diet RC Cola
Regular Coke
Cherry Pepsi

But Pepsi also has Mtn Dew which is the tie breaker.

So Pepsi

If diet, Coke.
If regular, Pepsi.

I rarely have either now.

If diet, Coke.
If regular, Pepsi.

I rarely have either now.

Pepsi tastes better to me.


My uncle would kill me if he read this (He manages a coke plant in MI) but Pepsi products are better IMO

why is the not a poll


thats false everywhere you go there is coke, its rare to find pepsi

I want to change my answer to whoever sells loganberry, soooooooooooooooo good.

Mt Dew, Diet and Regular Dr. Pepper are really the deal breakers in the whole thing. For most people, it’s a wash on pepsi vs. coke. It won’t stop them from eating at your restaurant, that’s for sure.

Wild Cherry Vanilla Coke > Pepsi > Coke

Coke all the way. Coke products >> Pepsi products