Coke Zero

Holy Shit

This really does taste

almost exactly like coke


Pepsi One - sucks a big fucking cock

Coke Zero FTW

wow, it is fucking good.


I can taste the sweetener in it so it doesnt taste like regular coke to me

Real soda > wanna be diet nutrasweet sachrin fake ass cola.

lol…thank you…i was waiting for someone to finally say how it tastes…cause for some reason i never had time to get it and taste it myself

blah… i hate normal pop, too sweet. Dietcancercausingcola4L

oh and aaron you know where i am lol

i hate regular soda…tastes like syrup:tdown:

coke zero is pretty damn good. my fav diet beverage is diet pepsi vanilla. something about the vanilla helps to mask the sweeter.

I can SMELL the nutrasweet before I drink it. If it’s got that smell, I won’t even bother tasting it.

On second thought, I don’t even drink cola. I just drink Mountain Dew, or ginger ale. :gotme:

Dr Pepper and Code Red for life BITCHES!!!

^ Code Red 4L

I still dont know why there have been 482 versions of coca-cola… but there’s still only like 4 incarnations of pepsi…

i’ll stick to water and juices. and beer. soda is for mixed drinks.

Coke Zero is hella tasty. I also dig the Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, that ish is h0t.

cuz they can’t get it right. lol

seriously, if it weren’t for McDonald’s, Coca-Cola would go out of business. They are trying so many formulas to try to get back in the game. Sometimes they hit a good formula, but in anticipation of that formula becoming a disaster, they already have a new one behind it, and good-bye :hay: good formula.

Yeah…once you start drinking diet for a while and taste regular soda, it will taste like poop…way too sweet

water > *

FTW!!! That is teh bestest by far, but if coke 0 tastes like regular coke does that mean it tastes like poo :gotme:

coke is nasty anyway… I used to drink it all the time, but it tastes way too sweet these days IMO (maybe my teeth are just more sensitive now, or maybe they have a new formula for it or something but i never remeber being THAT swet)

pepsi 4 L

:wstupid: bout 120oz/day here.


gave up pop for the most part back in febuary.

all i drink now is water and beer.

It’s sucralose. It’s actually really nice how they make it. They replace three hydroxyl groups with three chlorines. Chlorocarbons are also used as pesticides. It’s probably safe, but there hasn’t been that much testing on it.