personal loan questions...

Maxed out credit cards, being FORCED to live with your parents and barely affording fuel proves that your credit is horrible, no matter what a score says.

I’d never listen to PJB about anything. Ever.

MOTHER FUCKER you hit me in the DICK!

You’re lucky it wasn’t HARD!

Just like Id never listen to you. You always try to be an authority on everything and think you know people when you dont.

I’ve stalked you at the gym AND at Adult World. I know you well.

So is Paul the creepy dude that offers his services in adult world, or the guy that says yes to those that do?


or a little bit of both?


Agreed. The tissue box by the door is not intended for you to use to blow your nose…

Personal loan is also difficult to get. No collateral.

Someone told me they saw PJB sniffing the used tissues

Hey, get back on topic. This is about PJB/Adult World now!

No, you havent. And if one of the local guys never mentioned Adult World you would never mention it because you never wouldve heard of it.
Tell me expert, whats the name of the other pervert store around here?


Really it wasnt difficult at all for me at Sefcu. Ive gotten 3 personal loans there- I had to up the amount a few times and thats the way it works- new loan instead of adding to it.
My most recent loan was last September. I had it in less than a half hour.

BTW credit unions have the best rates for personal loans. Trustco was 3% higher than Sefcu.

Get over your man crush on me already. Youll never have me.

Which ‘other one’? Deja-Vu on Wolf?

Nah, PJB Pleasure Chest on 155.


Forgot about that one-my bad. ‘Rear entry’ threw me for a loop.

Ive never heard of that one.

Unnecessarily complex transaction. Get a new loan using the car to secure the note.

Yes, either online or local banks/credit unions. But, consider all because I’ve seen dealer autoloans with better rates.

Talk to JClark.