personalized plates.... looking for that page to check if its taken

there was a page on the DMV page that let you checked on what plates were taken allready, i was thinking about gettinga personalized plate, but i can’t find the checker, i found all the forms and everything just fine…

did they take the page down or something?

i’m thinking about getting a plate, but i don’t want it something really short, because i don’t want it easily remembered, but i want it to be unique at the same time… i was thinking something like my first name with 00 around it, soo like 00JOE00 or something like that… any suggestions are welcome

What do I get if I find it ?

the gratification of knowing you found it…

… and a cookie!

I have looked on penndot for the application and didn’t find anything, you got a link to the application? Been meaning to do this for a while…just too lazy to go down and wait in line :ugh: I like being able to pay for your registration online. Done in 3 mins :clap:

Yeah but you can’t do the personalized plates there :dunno:

there was a page where you could enter in your plate that you wanted and it gave you a photo preview of it and told you if it was avialiable, i want to find that to see what plates are open for the taking before i submit the form for one


i sued them and cant find if the one i want is takin :frowning:




PA doesn;t have a plate check yet. You have to go to your local represenitive’s off ic and they have a way of checking. I think AAA MAY beable to do it but I havn’t asked yet.

How do I know? Jenn called around for me and she talke dto the state represenitive offince directly…

there is a number you can call but i don’t have it


just search for


the pdf is

mv-904 (11-01)

Post what you are considering and I can tell you if it is available.