Custom Tags?

As you all know ive recently moved up to PA from MD. Today I got my VIN checked and a PA drivers license. Thurs or Fri ima make my car title be PA based and get PA tags

Just currently a idea…How about a custom tag? I dunno much into it like how much it would cost more then regular tags but Ive always hated regular tags I may choose to do something custom

Any SERIOUS idea that i should have. So far i havent put too much thought into it something like C0UPEMAN or some shit…

Give me your ideas…please let it be as on topic please. No bullshit or retarded names that your giving out outa sarcasm.

I always wanted to see if I could slip something like FAHQ past the sensors that approve those things.
I could try my screen name in a version like FAQUAD.

I don’t know. I like the special plates PA offers more than a custom plate. Have the Dare plate on my xTerra. I like the old railroad plate because you can’t see the writing on it.
Don’t know what they offer now for those. But vanity plates aren’t my style because I think they scream attention whore and narcissism a little too much.

Most good ones that I’d love to have (stuff like “boosted”) are taken already, too.

No more black Dare plates. They looked the best but they are a standard color scheme now.

Got Vtak

works perfectly

I don’t like the Vanity plates and I wish the black DARE plates are still available but they’re all the same plate with whatever icon.

I have a black DARE plate on my Beretta that I’m gonna get transferred to my Cavalier once I get the Beretta sold.

I heard that about the Dare plates. Might try to see if I can switch out tags from audi to xTerra so I can get the black Dare plate on the Audi because it would match up nicely.
I always wanted to get a plate “fasterA4” and then find the bitch who took “fastA4” and see if I’m right.
I don’t mind vanity plates that say something about the car. I don’t like the ones that say something about the driver.

I’m considering getting LS1 MX5.

Then every rice burner in a 5 mile area will try to race my auto POS which i admit is slow as balls lol

at least you got vtak

i’m glad i still got my black DARE plate for whenever i’m mobile again, the new white ones look like ass

I could be wrong but I think you can only have 7 letters and a space. :dunno:

I like the personalized plates that make you think about what they say. Something clever.

there was a black mustang in the north hills for a while. his plate said something ultra gay like 1hotpony or something. i dont now where he went. i think the car just resides in the garage these days.

RICEATER :kekegay:

just a heads up. i transfered my black d.a.r.e. plate to my jeep and the paperwork got kicked back. they told my notary that they wont renew the black plates anymore and within the next year they want to send out the new style dare plates(white yellow and blue) to the people with the black plates as replacements.

Flagship Niagara plates are nearly impossibe to see a car length or two behind.

That sux. Ive had mine for 7 or 8 years. I guess I gotta come up with some type of personalized plate for my truck.


I believe in PA, you have to get a regular plate first, then apply for the vanity tag after your paperwork comes back.

In that case fuck it…lol
tho it would be funny to have a tag saying

as the other guy said

but i like this SCHNELL hahahahahah


Here is the form you need to fill out and send in:

If I am remembering right, you need to spend the money and get the legit plate for the form. Then when you fill out the form it is $20 extra. Then each year it is the same total amount ($55 or something?) reoccurring. $20 a year extra to be able to easily remember my plate was worth it.

On my S-10 I have YME SIR.

Going to apply for V6PLUS2 for my Blazer when the time comes…