PETA has completely lost it...

theyre srsly just trying to get publicity any way possible these days…

PETA has asked the Pet Shop Boys to change the band’s name to Rescue Shelter Boys.

The organization, the People for the Ethical Treatment for Animals (PETA), sent a letter to Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe acknowledging that its request, at first blush, might appear “bizarre.”

But, by changing its name, the band could raise awareness at every tour stop of the “cramped, filthy conditions” that breeders keep animals in before selling them to pet stores, PETA said in its letter.

The internet doesn’t have enough bandwidth to harness the amount of things I want to say about this :picard:

They do stuff like this because it’s obviously so ridiculous that it gets tons of publicity.

oh peta…

Who is in for a group trolling the PETA forums???

And you just helped them by making this thread about it! Way to fall into their trap…

Seriously… I go to the forums just to check it out. I randomly open a thread and this is the first thing I come across.

A HUUUGGEEEE :picard::picard::picard: to just the first two posts.

stick it to peta change the subject…

hey, i hear Wegmans has Oreos on sale.

true that… and because they know it will piss people off and get them talking about PETA, which is what they want.


I just bought some double stuff oreos last night! And, I bought their opposites… the E.L. Fudge Double stuff from Keebler!

Oreos are chocolate with white inside goodness and the E.L. Fudges are white vanilla outside with Fudge inside goodness!


have you have had…reverse oreos? or deep fried oreos!!! datz da shitz
deep fried oreo minis hellz yeah

I used to make my own deep fried oreos but I determined that it was too messy and I also sucked at it. I would never coat them well enough and when I put them in the fryer the chocolate and white stuff would ooze out into the grease :frowning: But yes, that was definitely awesome stuff :slight_smile:

No, I have not had a reverse oreo. The closest is my E.L. Fudge cookies. Do they sell reverse oreos??

Stop it guys… you’re giving Nabisco the free marketing they want!

Its this shit that makes the casual PETA members look like the crazies they are. Trash talking their ridiculousness might be able to make its lesser passionate members realize how utterly stupid their organization is and in turn, make PETA weaker.

fucking nabisco hacking my brain to get there damned marketing. ALIENS!!!

god do I ever love that song west end girls, nothing is safe from peta, not even 80’s new wave bands

Haha, why was I not surprised to see your name under the “last post,” column for this thread :fail:

Ugh. PETA needs to be dissolved and ran by the state or something. Whackjob vegans and hippies with a little too much passion are ruining what should be a great organization. Everyone waxing about how the publicity is what PETA wants is silly. Nobody wants to completely discredit their own company. They’re not celebrities, there is such a thing as bad publicity.

Sure PETA is ridiculous at times… but with every point there is a counterpoint.

PETA typically takes the counterpoint against the norm.


a woman was arrested for feeding her cats a veg diet and it did not inclued any meat or meat products so no anamal protein and it is easer for them to bake down anamal proteins. if you can think of raguler gas going in to your car and that is the potein it is easyer then a bio fuel you have to make modifacaions to your car before you are able to use that fuel that you just put in the car. so i would not recomend doing it just look at there wild counter parts.