Sea Kittens!?!?!?!

PETA wants to change the name of FISH to Sea Kittens.


Her pussy smelled like sea kitten doesn’t sound quite right.


I think it’s a repost, maybe I saw it somewhere else.

Either way, 'da fuck?

lets go sea-kittening
i got the sea-kittening poles

your girlfreind’s bush smells like sea kittens

her pussy smelled like sea pussy? :gotme:



I think I’m going to eat more animals… because according to PETA, if I don’t, I’ll go crazy. Because those people are all fucking loopy…

I want to start a petition to change the name of Kittens to LAND FISH

everytime I hear about one of their retartded publicity stunts, it makes me want to pour 5 quarts of motor oil into a river

Would it then be ok to eat regular kittens?

I really really want to eat a cat.


i like how they still call it the “Fish and Wildlife Services”

Because even they know that the 'Sea Kitten and Wildlife Service" sounds stupid as FUCK

Just go to the chinese buffet

<embed src=‘’ allowscriptaccess=‘always’ pluginspage=‘’ wmode=‘transparent’ type=‘application/x-shockwave-flash’ width=‘300’ height=‘354’></embed><br /><a href=‘’>Create Your Own Sea Kitten at</a>!

sea kitten burgers!!

No that’s deer :roflpicard:

Fuck PETA…fuck em right in the ass with a horse c*%$

sea kittah!

those PETA fucks are out of their minds.
see kittens? blow me… they are fucking fish… have been for how many years?

GDubbs is already one step ahead of you.

Lucky son of a bitch.