
are we related?.. we have the same last name :eek4: :scared:

if he was he would probably shoot your or himself. odds are you


but btw brian, thanks for refering me to your tint buddy. he does great work :bigthumb:

you are losing your hair

mind or hair?

his bowl cut…lol

trimmers bitch! beats going to get my hair cut every month for $15 bucks :moon:

still a bowl cut. man learn how to fade that shit

i do my best, i cut mine super short… you try and blend it yourself when its that short!

i can and have done it many times. its called using two mirrors and the right touch

i’ve been told i got the right touch :naughty:

is that what rosie said?

who the hell is rosie?

oh you mean o’donnel? i stopped talking to your girlfriend 7 months ago

naw that that hoe, shes a dyke. you know rosie you touched her last nite and probably today

i saw Jill last night for a little, she said for me to tell you Hi and she’ll see you in a morning…
i dont get it… is she a slut?

is that how you rox boyz roll?

why would you like to find out

Hell naw, I know you’re a tru to da game gangsta. I aint tryin to mess with dat.

shit nugga

Quik’s theme song= ying yang twins-true city thugs
