photo classes?

anything local?
i just bought a d60 and would love to learn how to shoot…
im just about as new as noobs get to photography so i need a crash course…
micha/ILC/geoff offereing classes?

thanks man…ill pm soon for my tattoo session

already apart of

local community colleges probably offer digital photography classes.

i know ecc does.

you can get just as much experience and learn just as much if not more by hanging out with other photographers or even just doing research online. obviously ken rockwell’s site is solid for learning about cameras and settings, etc. you can probably find a load of videos on youtube as well. practice makes perfect, so start messing around!

Dont waste your money in the classes, come hang out at BFS and we’ll help ya out. :tup:

its true, and if ian likes you enough he’ll write a novel on the subject for you. :biglaugh: has some photoshooting tutorials. Might be good might not be.

The full ones can be found on demonoid I think.

jay if u get PS let me get a copy off of you

ive got a copy of 6 and 7 along with lightroom 2.
lmk if you want a copy.

i do! lol

i dont know how to use torrents n silly shit like that

:word: Ive been know to become attached and pour my heart out :hay: Seriously though any thing you need to know, Myself as well and a handful of others are willing to help in any way we can, id rather not do it here though. Maybe at some point this week I’ll sit down and write a sticky for beginners.

Its uber simple, and if you want PS get CS4, its the only way to go.

it really is simple. the hardest part is trying to find a torrent that you want

would u be able to get me a link to a good one? if not it’s okay! it’s kinda wasting your time, unless u have nothing else better to do :slight_smile:

Yeah, Ive never had an issue finding my software for mac, but there other day i was looking for a windows based CS3 torrent for my buddy and for the life of me I couldn’t find one that wasn’t sketchy, artistic apps are much easier to find for mac, but you def can find them, just look around.

I’ll give it a look, but pirate may be able to help yo a bit easier that I though. I will though, what I did was I DL the entire CS4 master collection directly from adobe in trial form (same program) and just found a torrent based list of serials, its an option to consider if you cant find a torrent.