Photoshoot 11-1-06

not my fault you have horrible taste when it comes to rims :eekdance:

haha Zing!

not bad… gotta work on framing though.

Dude, grow up. It’s his car and his choice.

mmmm audi… minus the rims…and i like…

who’s eclipse?

I’m going to have to go ahead and pile on here.

I really don’t like those rims on the S4. They just don’t go with a European car.

I also hate chrome…a lot!

those audi rims are fucking awful

edit - damn 90% of the people in this thread beat me to it

Did I miss the post where he said “Rate my Rimz” or asked for an opinion?

Fuck, you people are ridiculous.

I love the background in this pic…too bad the weather turned to shit today or I’d have gone there tonight to snap some pics myself.

And Jesus people…lay off about the Audi wheels! What, you think your shit don’t stink?

great pics, i am impressed. And for the camera you have, that aint bad at all man. When you buy a new camera ill buy the one you are usin now :slight_smile:

nice bridge locale

lol u musta missed the Saturn hate thread, if you didn’t think these people were rediculous enough…

i have sexy everything, and Jesus has nothing to do with this thread. Anyone who has gone to college has an opinion and is prepaired to give it no matter what. :lol:

I was going to say something not so nice about the wheels, but I’ll just say that I don’t really care for them. S4’s are hot hot cars, but not with ugly wheels.

But then again, my car is purple.

edit- The pics looks pretty nice. That’s a cool location for a photoshoot.

I went to college and don’t feel the need to offer my opinions on someone elses taste…especially when they never asked for it…for if I did I’d be posting a lot more on here letting everyone know my ‘expert’ opinion.

me too, half the time i delete posts before i post them.

good angles and location

i really like how they look

took the words right outta my mouth

that would be mine… and yeah my car is definetly the shittiest one… but they wanted to include me i took alot of the pics as well i will post mine up here shortly… alot of the same some different…

thanks to anyone whom likes my car.

the mustang belongs to my friend Alex… he is on this board but i forgot his username already.

The Eclipse used to be mine, and I own the Mustang. It needs alot of work to get it to where I want it to be. For now, though, it’s a great slow-ass cruiser :frowning:

if you would like me to send you the pictures of your car in full size, full quality, let me know and i can arrange that.