
So whats the going rate to do a shoot with my vehicles? A couple together, and some separate and some rig shots.

Depends on who you want to shoot the vehicle where when etc …

Would whoever does this shoot mind if I tagged along to learn some stuff?

Any shoot that Jim and I do for fellow shift members we welcome anyone to come out and watch and learn … Always like to meet new ppl!

Awesome dude! Thanks

You, KBB, anyone else who is qualified.

Time and place is open to whenever and where ever is good for a shoot. Someone may have to drive one on my cars though :lol

I am just tossing the idea around of getting some quality shots of my cars for fun. Nothing set in stone at this time.

Typhoon and what other vehicle


Id like to tag along as well… id like to improve my photo skillz

Shift photo classes.


Oh god… :rofl

Haha damir (aero 93) is currently enrolled and learnig fast

Current lesson: “Damir! Get the FUCK out of my shot!!!” :rofl:rofl:rofl

Lol like I said he is learning

haha, its all good. :lol

Let’s see if he can move on to lesson 2 tonight … “Damir go get me my shit”

I can vouch for KBB and CFD, both have excellent skills.

Camera skills
Driving skills
Jack3d skills


wait wait wait … i always thought CFD stood for Cant Fuckin Drive lol