Photoshop Guru Challenge


this should have been posted about a week ago but i couldn’t get it hosted.


Nice but I think you missed the point!


But where’s the photochop?!?!!


^^^ He’s just bein a smart ass, Hehe…

Motion to ban jjwilks240 from future Photoshop Guru challenges? :lol:

If you can’t beat em, blow them up. It’s the latest trend in rice culture.
Retrofitting military equipment on your import.

Note the detailed camoflague paint scheme, and forget 22" dubs, these
babies roll on tank treads (dunno what they called)

that’s awesome!!!

War Ricer!!!


omg…that is just way too funny…

that is one badass geo…

Doc came back from the Wild West, and, tired of the reliability issues of the DeLorean, decided to adapt a Geo to his time-travel lifestyle. Note the authentic gull-wing doors and coveted Cooper S front-end conversion. Stylish time-travel indeed.

LOL!!! That’s awesome!!!

Gonad just droped to second place!


HAHA!!! Thats fukkin HILARIOUS!

hahaha i think someone had a little tomuch time on there hands

but that is awsome man

Didn’t take too long, 'bout an hour or so, just avoiding doing work or marking tests… I had the Cooper pic already, and getting Doc in there wasn’t too hard. Man he looks pissed to be in a Geo though!

bwahahahahahaha omg that’s too funny… cause it’s true!!! hahahahaa

*sheds a tear from laughter


^^^ Welcome to a month ago. :slap:


if u look closely to the date under my name it says I only joined a week and a half ago :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

I know I’m just messin around. Welcome to SON. :slight_smile:

I was just saying I posted that image like a month ago…

its ok, its still good for a laugh

hehe np at least I saw it hahahaaha… my life is more complete now :smiley:

never thought Kazuya Bai could get anymore funnier :stuck_out_tongue:

shoulda signed onto this board earlier you guys are jokes :smiley:

ya, some peeps here are crazy…


and I’m sure others do too.

my swift OWNS ur 240s!

i could’ve taken the color out of the car a bit, to make the fenders blend in a bit better, but i don’t care enough after doing this stupid thing for the last 40 minutes… (trying to find images mostly)