I need a picture that has a lot of sun glare in it prettied up a little. I’m not sure how much help I can get on this picture, but any would be greatly appreciated.
I need a picture that has a lot of sun glare in it prettied up a little. I’m not sure how much help I can get on this picture, but any would be greatly appreciated.
ill check it out when i get home from class
Sun glare?
Looks more like a solar flair close up! haha
What are the chances of re-taking the pic?
your best bet is to retake the photo with the sun behind you or on a cloudy day.
that type of overexposure really can’t be fixed, retake the picture
Picture can’t be retaken. That is the problem. Because of the nature of my business, it is extremely difficult to get all of our trucks together in one day to get a picture (and even in that picture, I’m still missing 2 or 3 of our trucks, I just can’t get them all together at one time).
But, if it can’t be done, then it can’t be done.
It might be easier to take a good pic of 1 truck and photoshop it into a fleet rather than fix that picture.
Figures the day I need to take a picture its sunny in Pittsburgh
none of the vehicles are the same either, if you can get one of the box trucks and one of the vans together you can get the 2 pictures needed for me to photoshop the fleet, if your interested PM me
not the best…but the glare has been reduced. i’ll continue to play with it…
IMO it’s not worth playing with.
Bravada, get a box truck and a van together put the van in spot 1 and the truck in spot 3 take a picture, put the van in spot 2 and the truck in spot 4 take a picture, please use a tripod while doing this so that the background & scenery does not change. Send me those two pictures and i’ll edit it so that it looks like it’s all four vehicles
Where the hell am I going to get a tripod?
I’ll figure something out. It’s just for a brochure, it doesn’t have to be a perfect photo.
Thanks for everyones help.
Damn, who set off the atom bomb in the top corner of this pic? damn that’s bright.
you can fix it. But it would take awhile. Alot of clone stamping
Best buy for 14.99 stands up about 16 inches or just get something to put the camera on that won’t shift or fall over
In English: It’s not worth it
Not when your boss needs it for a client… Your not going to tell him " Hey look, its just not worth it." Their are a few ways you can play off this photo, and in some cases playing it off a certain way might turn out better.
Case in point: Maybe turning the photo into illustrator format. (Tracing everything) This could lead to maybe a new logo design and possibly new Letter heads etc etc.