I have a request for my wheels, I want to see what they would look like In gold and white or other colours aswell if you want. 2 different ways though, one with the face only colour’d (leave center cap silver and barrel silver and one with the whole wheel colour’d. Here are a couple pics.
Thanks a Million to anyone who helps me out in advance!
do u know a place to actually rechrome? . not powdercoat chrome taht looks like a highschool locker mirror. but like blang blang black ppl reflect?
because i need some rims rechromed. so if u know a shop let me know.
in regards to ur wheels. making it gold may look nice or black or even silver. none of those wuld look bad
That looks pretty sick. Powdercoating here i come! As soon as its done ill post up some pics, will likely send them out during october. Thanks a ton Jugahdor!!