photoshop request

fuck yo couch bitch
I like t-tops better myself.


i vote this one

HAHAHAH :rofl:rofl

sticker bombed t-tops that is

Did he do that? Ask Keith, I have been saving stickers for some time, for the same idea… hmm

no he didnt, yet. screw that sell it, do the hatch on the hatch lol

Actually, that would be kinda neat lol

do it, keith and i will help you, take it off the car pull the tail lights outa it and will go to town at the apt

Nah, I can’t decide if I want to make like a stickerbomb poster thing for my dorm or if I want to do the T tops. I’m going to wait until the car is “done” to decide.

sticker bomb the t-tops and hang in your dorm, done

Atrocious idea :rofl