pic of my new paint thats not really new.


thers actually no rust on my car. its never seen winter. neat huh?

Goob: my inspiration was von dutch. i like doing to cars what is consider kitsch to others and just making the the pefect stereotype of a vehicle. the dirty was rice and the Fbod is hick/redneck. i havent gotten a good idea for a next car yet. im leaning OFF ROAD!!! with like a mazda or ranger or something stoopid like that. maybe a sidekick or something…

there is a decent shape geo tracker for $650 near the stadium lol

you passed our jobsite like 4 times the other day on harlem. I laughed everytime i saw it.


you were the ones causing all that traffic in front of my house? :cry:

dirty, as always, you have done a great job at getting the stereotype you are going for. :tup:

you make cars ugly, if someone ever wanted to know if i knew a guy who could ruin thier car and make everyone want to kill it i would give them your number and say “call this kid, he is the best at fucking up perfectly good cars”


woah woah woah, GM made that car ugly, i made it worse. i cant take all the credit. <3

are you the guy with the sweet sign that said tree work ahead??? i was so gonna have my friend snag that sign as we drove by the one time… that sign ruled!

you also forgot to give credit to the ugly guys who drive them. out of all the car makes… f-bods have the ugliest drivers.


So much hate, was your mother run over by a TA or somthing?


HIs father must be a redneck wife beater wearing fried chicken eating, wife beating, camaro driver.

the stripes far apart make the whole car look maaddd wiiide yo…almost as wide as a widetrack grand prix… tee uppp

Did you get interupted in the middle of peeling your tint off? :lol:The flat black isn’t bad.

i’ve yet to figure out how you ended up with this instead of a Z3

that was me, I was helping a friend out by directing traffic for a day.

Im very sexy :pimp: and i drove a F-body, maybe thats why i got rid of it and kept the tempo

So… How much to paint the SHO for me/do you know of a place I could spray it in some really awful shade of metalic broze with black stripes. :slight_smile: