im loving the chalkboard paint already…
so hey, if you stop by leave me a message!!
thats funny shit, lol.
I want the wheels! haha
free blow jobs?!?!!?!?!?
how did you make the backwards b?
well its kinda like the upside down p, but flipped twice
lol that is pretty good
hardy har harr
i saw a quart of that the other day and had the same idea
i hate you jam
i really dont <3
LOL im not even around and im still dragged into schemes
I can’t wait to come over this weekend and do some damage to this new paint
edit: i did a snky change to your fridge when you weren’t home, as im sure youve noticed by now
i’m so coming over soon.
oh my god that is great!
hats off to you dude!
great mod for the summer