Man opens fire in Colorado movie theater

I’d rather get the fuck out of there as many did instead of being the next Zimmerman case for doing what is “seemingly right” in the circumstances.

Don’t you think looking back he would have rather just went back to his car and never have the altercation no matter who is at fault? (Zimmerman)

You want to ruin your entire life in a split second decision for trying to be a hero, go ahead.

This guy was a mad man for sure.

The gunman wore protective armor around his body, neck and groin, a helmet and a gas mask as he faced the audience. He then set off two gas canisters, containing an irritant, and opened fire with an assault rifle, a shotgun and at least one .40-caliber Glock pistol. What many thought was part of a stunt quickly turned deadly.
“He didn’t say anything,” said Tayler Trujillo, 18, part of the audience. “He kicked the door open with his foot and held it open with his foot and he threw something and it landed in the row in front of me. Then it, like, went off – kind of like a firework – and gas filled the room. All you heard was ‘Get down! Get down!’
“I felt like I couldn’t breathe, my eyes were really super watery,” she said.
“And then shots just started being fired, so many, and it stopped for a second, and everybody was, like ‘Go! Go! Go!’ but then he started to fire again and then I had to go back down,” Trujillo said. “Honestly, I just started praying. I thought I was going to die.”

Booby trapped the hell out of his appartment too.