Pic request...

Ok, on some OLLLLLDDDD cartoon there is a dude with these absurdly big lips. He looks like someone i know, and i really want the pic, but can’t find it.

it’s like 60’s - 70s era i think but i think i have also seen him in B&W cartoons. Like looney toones kinda shit…

kind of like this guy on the left, but more olde timey


fat albert?

did i say he was a blackie?

did i? way to get racist right off the bat

haha, i was just kidding.

Mushmouth? I guess today he would be known as mushmouf


he’s way old timey-er and not black

“Mugsy”, the mobster from Bugs Bunny?

Big Lips and not black? Check the postpicsofyourself thread…I think I saw someone in there that fits that description

daMN not black, i thought i had it


hahaha, that guy does look like him tho!

he rules! he have a name?


Got it from there. No name but the cartoon was yanked due to stereotypes. Check out some of the other shots.

OT bruno the kid was fucking sweet

This guy?? Its Black and white


or did you mean this guy?


was he in the gangster cartoons?



The Crusher

the only other one i can think of was a bug guy and had a black suite with a derby hat, but i cant remember his name.

i think that’s what i want

myaa shee, myaa