

Background thread is here…



benny jerks off to this

suggested for the shift518 masscott, by travis… i say bad idea…

lol, fix the thread link, I gotta read this.

I just did

Fuck it, we need something, we are lazy, and it’d be cool to steal it from this ‘car club’.


Dunno, but it’s scary looking.

Do not want.

mickey mouse on crack?

its a dead clown, cant you tell?

uh nicole wtf


ssssh with your negativity

It’s creepy and scary! :’(

Does it have some type of afro or are those elephant ears?


its a grey clown afro, cuz its a dead clown, but he seems to be wearing the mickey mouse suspenders, shots and similar shoes

It looks like a skull head with inflated cross bones behind the head…idk, that’s just my guess

holy gayness Batman. I like the clown thing…but not THAT clown thing.

I could only ok it as a mascot if we made it look more like a 14 year old girl

Remember Gallahger? The guy who used to smash watermelons with a mallot? That’s who it looks like. And that’s not good. Not good at all.

This is more like it