:picard: smiley

as the title may imply, i think that we need a small :picard: as a smiley. we got the :ham: in the past. lets make it happen.


I agree, but with all the old and busted smilies around here, we need a whole lot more than picard to make this place respectable again http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/Picard2.gif

small steps my man, small steps


But let me just take this opportunity to thank the brilliant and charismatic man who single handedly orchestrated the smiley-sized picard revolution.

So thank you, self. You truly are a man of character and integrity. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/thankya.gif

Now Hower add the freakin smiley plz! :smiley:

without u there could be no :picard: smiley so, i solute you great sir

Sigh > :picard:

were gonna need more votes than this guys n gals


wtf is the picard?


wtf is the picard?


:worf: :picard:


wtf is the picard?


see post number two. their in lies our prized posession


wtf is the picard?




THIS IS IT: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/Picard2.gif

87FOXGT gets all credit for it

damnit i cant edit. can a mod fix my last post where the uppercase :picard: should be and then delete this one?




hey, as long as we got rid of :spam: and :chef:, we’re fine

EDIT: oh wait.




the people have spoken.

Make it so.

i do enjoy the :picard: