:picard: at this guy...

when is the stupid not so funny picard reference going to be over

When you stop whining about it.

i still dont get picard… explanation? im sick of searching

Me neither.

this is the infamous picard pic


yea i never got it either…


even with the pic, still not funny.

im glad im not the only one who doesnt know what that means

where did picard come from.,… i get what im supposed to think, but whats picard? is it Pee Card? or pikkard? or peekered?? i hate star trek fyi

Picard pic is hilarious.

are you people retarded? how do you not get it?

What is he doing in the picture? has his head in his hand in a dismay or disappointed state something like… oh brother not again…

i honestly do not know why i even had to explain it. The picardture is so self explanitory… :gotme:



i honestly do not know why i even had to explain it. The picardture is so self explanitory and retardedly not funny… :gotme:


psssh totally agree bro


are you people retarded? how do you not get it?

What is he doing in the picture? has his head in his hand in a dismay or disappointed state something like… oh brother not again…

i honestly do not know why i even had to explain it. The picardture is so self explanitory… :gotme:


apparently common sense is lost among some people…


Picard pic is hilarious.



anyone that participates on this board and can’t comprehend the concept of picard should just quit



anyone that participates on this board and can’t comprehend the concept of picard should just quit


Maybe because those people are why Picard has his head in his hand… :gotme:

i am pretty sure i was the first one to get pwned by the picard pic



The Picard picture is a heaven send. With all the stupid shit being posted on here nowadays, you need a picture that can accurately express your feelings of frustration and anger so that you dont have to type it all out.

Example Thread:

Hayy guys, i just had another thought so i decided to make a thread about it. I was thinking that since i have no decision making ability at all without the support of my internet “friends”, I would make a poll helping me, no wait…telling me which color socks i should wear today, black or white. All input is apprecaited, i really need to put on these socks so i can get to work on time. Go ahead and vote away!!

Normal Typed out NYSpeed Response:

OMG you fucking moron, I just simply can NOT believe you just fucking posted that. You have the common sense and personality of a fucking bowling ball. Jesus Christ, go outside and fucking walk out in front of a metro bus, idiot. God this pisses me off so bad when people post stupid shit like this!!1!

OK, now here is the same response as the one just above in picture form :


Understand now?

If not, then…




are you people retarded? how do you not get it?

What is he doing in the picture? has his head in his hand in a dismay or disappointed state something like… oh brother not again…

i honestly do not know why i even had to explain it. The picardture is so self explanitory… :gotme:


You shouldn’t have even bothered to explain. You would have been better off posting a :picard:, since it would have been perfect for this. :slight_smile:



With all the stupid shit being posted on here nowadays, you need a picture that can accurately express your feelings of frustration and anger so that you dont have to type it all out.

Example Thread:

Hayy guys, i just had another thought so i decided to make a thread about it. I was thinking that since i have no decision making ability at all without the support of my internet “friends”, I would make a poll helping me, no wait…telling me which color socks i should wear today, black or white. All input is apprecaited, i really need to put on these socks so i can get to work on time. Go ahead and vote away!!

Normal Typed out NYSpeed Response:

OMG you fucking moron, I just simply can NOT believe you just fucking posted that. You have the common sense and personality of a fucking bowling ball. Jesus Christ, go outside and fucking walk out in front of a metro bus, idiot. God this pisses me off so bad when people post stupid shit like this!!1!

OK, now here is the same response as the one just above in picture form :

Understand now?

If not, then…




You shouldn’t have even bothered to explain. You would have been better off posting a :picard:, since it would have been perfect for this. :slight_smile:


lol i agree!! but my personal Favorite IS WORF!!

Mine too :smiley: