Pick up truck

Looking for a small 2wd 4 cyl auto with extended cab pick up truck. Pretty much a S10 or Tacoma. Looking for something pretty clean and not rusted out. Probably no chance of finding one in WNY but you never know. Lol

I’m sure you’re already looking but check Craigslist. And if you haven’t yet use search tempest. I just picked up a truck for the sake of having a truck when I need it 4-5x a year, just sits in my street. I paid 2 grand for an 01 S10 with 24,000 miles rust free. There are tons on there.

EDIT: It costs 23$ a month to insure, LoL.


Can’t beat that^^

Sell me your S10. Lol
That is what I really would like to stay with because I have a parts one.

Yeah, sell him your s10 for 2k, and rent a uhaul for $50 the 4 times a year you need it. That’s 2k covers 10 years, and that’s before factoring in insurance, reg and upkeep.

What happened to your S10? I have a spare jet ski you could use for some bargaining! :slight_smile:

I’ve gone down this road several times now.

I still go back and forth about selling my pickup, and then realize I’ll feel the need to buy another one within a year. It’s hard to be without one. My problem with having one is seeing my POS truck sit out in my driveway. I even have a 5 x 8 utility trailer and a hitch on the tahoe, yet still feel the need for the pickup. At this point I will only get rid of mine for a nicer one.


It’s really not that hard to rent one when you need it. That week my wife took the SUV out of town and I wanted to get the boat out I did it. Drove my car to Uhaul and left it there, picked up the pickup for the day, dropped it off after hours when I was done and drove my car home. For the few times a year I need a truck it really is a good option. Plus both Home Depot and Lowes have them to rent super cheap if you need one to get a big item home from there.

I just like to have a truck for the sake of having a truck, all my friends and family use it, I leave the keys in a secret spot, they just text me when they need it.
@JayS you’re a meanie!

And besides what’s 2 grand? Nothing.

EDIT: Jeez @JayS i’m super surprised at your response, especially being a car guy. Now that I think of it, besides home depot and lending it out to everyone I know throughout the year I’ve:

Towed cars with it, plan on getting jet skis, banged two chicks under the night sky in the bed. Having a truck is fucking awesome. I’m single and have my own place to live with a 3.5 Car garage for me and all my toys, that truck cost me only 25 hours of overtime. I mean shit, the average young person spends 150$ a month on a cell phone where I spend 40.

Man I am disappointed. Can’t believe I had to justify owning a truck on a car forum. SHAME


DOUBLE EDIT: The other day I went over a curb to go around someone who wouldn’t pull forward far enough for me to go right, HELL YEAH TRUCKS!

Well now that sounds a whole lot more reasonable to own it as opposed to saying you only use it 4-5x a year and let it sit in your street.

Burnouts, lots of them… I forgot to add that. LOL


P.S. this post will disappear when I put a for sale ad up for my truck.

Good luck finding ANYTHING in WNY that isn’t rotted to fuck, let alone an S10 or a Tacoma. Don’t waste you time with a compact truck either.

I commute 50 miles a day. My previous S10 I had for many years and served me well. Only need to tow a jet ski so no issues there. Other than that it got good gas mileage and I always was loading shit into the bed. Never worried about scratches or dents like I would with a newer 1500 series. Plus I work in a shitty area and already had my tires slashed by a guy I let go. So driving something nice is meh.

I sent the old south of the Mason Dixon Line to grab a full size last year. It’s an 01 so it is hardly high on anyones radar to mess with it. The amount of shit I get done with it that I hadn’t even bought it with the intent of accomplishing is awesome! Fall clean ups used to consist of me filling a ton of lawn and leaf bags and getting rid of them over a few weeks with trash. Now I fill the bed and drive them to the mulch pile in town. Windpocalypse-raked the sticks up and took them away Sunday before the snow. Bought a bunch of bikes with it and took it to the drive in a few times in the summer. No banging broads in the back of it as that might scar Jr when we were watching Minions. Or, when he was watching the movie and I was sleeping like a log all comfy in the bed.

Woof! Don’t take the Terminator or Sti there.