pics/and something you can judge for yourself [sportbike 1/28]

i woke up with 2 things on my mind… either fire the dusty sport bike up and find someone to go rding with… or go 2 7springs and snowboard…

and im glad i picked the bike…

G/F made that and emailed it to me… so im sporting it around :beer:


Looks good Doug like the sig too :cool:


nice,be safe!

x2…cool for ur gf to make that too!

Looks like good times! But no gloves, boots or leathers? :frowning:


need to lean back man!!! cool sig

honestly if your being honest help me out! i ride with a few different people and they all aren t hardcore… so i learn on my own

was hoping for it for christmas… :frowning: i bought a house im going broke!

bro that is ill!



yea for standups you need to lean back alot more. the futherback you are the less rpms you will use and the less speed you will gain. its best to put left foot on rear passenger peg. by doing this it may feel akward at first but once you get the feel for it being up it will allow you to get more balance when up in the air. it also helps you cover the rear brake with the right foot alot easier. i usually squat over the tail of the bike and slip the clutch in this position and lean back as soon as it comes up i straighten out some and usually up at a decent hight once im up at the height then i try to lean back some more and manage it with throttle.

as for sit downs, sit back and relax, i spread my legs so my knees are point outward some, this helps with the wind slowing you down some so you dont gain some speed. you dont neccesary have to do this but it helps. but sit back some and make sure youre evenly balance from side to side so youre bike wont vear to any side. get a steady pace and just slip that clutch some and it will come up. on a cold tire and cold road it will probably spin at first but when its not so cold it will come up exactly where you want it. your up now but you got plenty of room to go before you get into danger. as a reference when youre seeing nothing but tank its high but for a reference when you need to stick your head over the windscreen or aroudn it to see thats when your at a good balance point. this is also the point in time when the bike is at the most ease since youre not straining the motor as much as you would be if you were chasing the wheelie. chasing wheelies get you into trouble and will hurt the motor in the long run. you can tell by the sound of the bike if youre doing good or not. the sound will just even out and mellow down. this on my bike is usually around 8k in rpms. also it helps to try to slow down your wheelies. before winter and etc i was clutching my standups at 10mph then riding them around 35-40 mph thats faily decent for a litre bike with stock gearing. anything under that its somewhat hard it can be done but im not that good to be that slow. also with sit downs they can be clutched up at about same speed and road abuot the same way. but with slow speeds like that the use of the rear brake is must since youre using more clutch for the intial get up but after then its all in the throttle. here is a somewhat of a idea of how high i was in a stand i was doing. as you can see the headlights are pointing around 10 to 11 oclock. thats a good height

here is another pic of me landing from a stand up you can see how im positiond. and heres a clip of me. there are more in the media section if you do a search around sept.