pics from my trip to lake george

well, the wife and in laws and myself decided to go to lake george for the weekend which is where i am at right now.

got to see alot of cool stuff here.

Some pics of a classic boat show.

some shots of the steam boats off in a distance

pic of me MIAMI VICE stylez. lol, i look like a asshole.

some pics of a local triumph meat.

Sorry for the pics quality, im still trying to figure this camera out. Lake george has been a pretty good time and im happy we decided to visit for the weekend.

im actually considering starting an oldschool 14ft with a honda motor project but the father inlaw says i should buy a house first.:frowning: so i have somewhere to put the boat.:slight_smile:

cool stuff.

I’ve always wanted to make it out there to see how it is but never got around too it.

how long of a drive is it to get there?

about 5 hours, I was there last month

drove by it on our way to vermont this weekend… some AMAZING views…

we will be driving back by it in about 5 hours …cant wait for some pics

yea, i wanted to try to take some decent pics but with all the humidity and heat it was just too hazy. You could barely even see the mountains.

Are you jacking off in the miami vice photo shoot?

September 9th-12 is the lake george car show, I have been in past years. It is a good time about 10,000 people show up.

When I am home in Rutland, VT we always go over there on the weekends for fun.


Are you jacking off in the miami vice photo shoot?


no. just working the throttle.

is that marcus?!

not trying to be a dick, but i just had to:

haha they like the sausage over there at lake george dont they? :gay:

anyways, cool pics… the engines in those boats look fresh

Lake George rocks…Went there every year growing up.

No john, you don’t look like an asshole, you are an asshole :stuck_out_tongue: