Pics of meets past and present

word…i miss it too…it was always a good time…

we need to bring this back somehow


BTC was good the one time I had it. Back in the days of ricehornet… I enjoyed showing up with him and jeremy and not knowing anyone at all.

I had no idea you were behind me… I could have done a smoke show…


When I wash my car… I want you to take pics when it goes up for sale;)
Thanks Josh… I’ll be closely examining the BTC pics for the TSI

I see the jeep…

nice pics

The archives have been updated! Thanks Howie for the extra space :tup:

a few misc pics I had from 2003 meets…
gotta love the old days when your young :lol:
hmm memories…
mint in both ways…
two oldies…

I miss the starbucks meets myself… They always seemed to draw an insanly large crowd… followed by Pizza Hiut, and Gin Gin’s… they also had a ton of cars there.

meet pics look fun, wish i could have the z in buffalo to show off a bit…hopefully i can have the civic on the road for next season, nice cars guys, im looking forwarrd to coming to the meets when im back in town

Aite guys, this is James from Bao. Thanks for the plug Chino. Truth is it’s not that we don’t want you guys there. Who the faq would say no to about 50 people coming in to give us money and chill?

It comes down to the matter of whether or not we give them some bullshit excuse to kick us out. You saw what happened to BTC, if we’re gone who else is gonna throw down the cracklalicious addictive substance in various pastel colors some of ya’ll crave? Discreet is the way to go.
pic of my cars ass, front car w/ gay stripes

oh snap, the eclipse still had its fogs and first set of mags !

ah shit, tomorrow that car gets traded in too :frowning:


i like like the white car

some pretty cool pics…i wish i was on this board in those days…it looks like i missed out…im sure we will have some awesome meets this summer though…gotta keep em rollin though

HAHAHA i remember that stang!



I still use this as my background sometimes :tup:

some nice pics :tup: