Pics of the Great Green E46 M3

Hawtttt… good looks…

Did you do my video yet?

would look hot with a front lip…


Well looks like I really need to drop it.

What building is that first one?

Car looks good Dan. :tup: I need a ride in it.

very nice car :tup:

Love it, def some fender gap issues though.

I completely agree, less than a week and that will be taken care of :slight_smile:

Is that your e34 I see parked on elmwood all the time?


yessir, gf lives there

Werd. I live around there too. My brother said he saw you on the skyway the other day in his red m3

looks like puke


lmao whoops. I was gonna just put +1, then decided to just put a “.” and forgot to backspace the “1” out of there.

I gave this thing the stink eye last night.


what’s up it’s tabak.

Green cars are sweet. They say geniuses choose green.

i remember going to school with a john fenski… hamburg?

“…but of course, you didn’t pick it”