Pics on autotrader...

I cannot see any of the pics of cars on autotrader for some reason. This is the only site that I cannot see pics on ever. What could be the reason. I am computer stupid so directions will be needed…



BTW… I have already done this:

Images aren’t displaying. What should I do?
Check your browser settings and make sure that images are set to load automatically.

In Internet Explorer:

On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
Click the Advanced tab.
Under Multimedia, make sure the Show Pictures box is checked.
If you get a generic icon for each image, you can right-click the icon, then click Show Picture.

If images still won’t display, there may be an error with the server or your connection. Try refreshing the page or closing and restarting your browser. You may need to restart your computer as well, especially if your browser application crashed earlier.

at home or at work?

try firefox

Maybe upgrade internet explorer


at home or at work?



and I have upgraded In Explorer to vers. 7


Right click on a broken image and go to properties. Copy and paste the link to the image in a new IE window and see what happens. For example if I right click on your sig and go to properties I get:

When I get broken images here at work I do that and a lot of times they are being blocked by the firewall. At a minimum you should get a more descriptive error.


Right click on a broken image and go to properties. Copy and paste the link to the image in a new IE window and see what happens. For example if I right click on your sig and go to properties I get:

When I get broken images here at work I do that and a lot of times they are being blocked by the firewall. At a minimum you should get a more descriptive error.


Does not work for some reason. It still will not show me the image, and the IE message is lame:

Here is what it says:

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

Most likely causes:
You are not connected to the Internet.
The website is encountering problems.
There might be a typing error in the address.

What you can try:
Diagnose Connection Problems

 More information 

This problem can be caused by a variety of issues, including:

Internet connectivity has been lost.
The website is temporarily unavailable.
The Domain Name Server (DNS) is not reachable.
The Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have a listing for the website’s domain.
If this is an HTTPS (secure) address, click Tools, click Internet Options, click Advanced, and check to be sure the SSL and TLS protocols are enabled under the security section.

For offline users

You can still view subscribed feeds and some recently viewed webpages.
To view subscribed feeds

Click the Favorites Center button , click Feeds, and then click the feed you want to view.

To view recently visited webpages (might not work on all pages)

Click Tools , and then click Work Offline.
Click the Favorites Center button , click History, and then click the page you want to view.

Drop down to a command prompt (start, run, “cmd”) and try “ping

If you can’t ping that, try pinging

it happens to me sometimes too.

then a week later pics will work again, but its only on that site

autotrader sucks and/or your job has a nasty firewall :wink: There are probably some nerdy IT guys :mamoru: everytime they walk past you at work.


Drop down to a command prompt (start, run, “cmd”) and try “ping

If you can’t ping that, try pinging


Okay, the first one did not work, it said: could not find host.

The second with the #s did work and gave me some data on how long it took.


it happens to me sometimes too.

then a week later pics will work again, but its only on that site


Yeah, other co workers can see things just fine, thats whats screwing me up.


Ok, so your DNS server cannot resolve to it’s IP address, which was the IP address I gave you.

Back to a command prompt and run “ipconfig /flushdns”
After doing that, see if you can ping


Ok, so your DNS server cannot resolve to it’s IP address, which was the IP address I gave you.

Back to a command prompt and run “ipconfig /flushdns”
After doing that, see if you can ping


This has worked^ it did ping it. But now autotrader says " unepected system error" LOL


lmao… wow, your computer really hates Run that flushdns thing again and reboot.



I dont know what you did or would I have ever figured that out myself. But thanks very much. :tup:

Damm thing has been messed up for like 6 months now. And my IT guy here is really an IT/Pricing Regulation guy, so his skills are limited.

Now I can go back to dicking off and looking at cars to kill time.

Thanks again man.


LOL went on just now and still all red X’s. Dammit :smash2:


Something with your DNS server really sucks. Try this:
Command prompt, run “ipconfig /all”. Write down the IP’s you have listed for “DNS Servers”.

Click Start, right click My Network Places, click properties. Find the connection who’s status is “Connected”, right click on it and go to properties. Find TCP/IP in the list, double click it.

On the “General” tab, at the bottom it will either be select “Obtain DNS automatically” or “used the following”.

Click use the following and put the first DNS IP you wrote down earlier as the prefered, and put this IP in as the alternate:

Keep clicking OK until everything is closed. Close any IE windows and try again.

That 207 IP is a free public DNS server that I know can translate I used to have to use it when Adelphia would fuck up their DNS servers.


Something with your DNS server really sucks. Try this:
Command prompt, run “ipconfig /all”. Write down the IP’s you have listed for “DNS Servers”.

Click Start, right click My Network Places, click properties. Find the connection who’s status is “Connected”, right click on it and go to properties. Find TCP/IP in the list, double click it.

On the “General” tab, at the bottom it will either be select “Obtain DNS automatically” or “used the following”.

Click use the following and put the first DNS IP you wrote down earlier as the prefered, and put this IP in as the alternate:

Keep clicking OK until everything is closed. Close any IE windows and try again.

That 207 IP is a free public DNS server that I know can translate I used to have to use it when Adelphia would fuck up their DNS servers.


Question: is this gonna fuck up the communication with my local servers here in the building? My stuff gets backed up all the time and saved to the servers and crap…just curious…
Also… why can my co worker sitting right next to me be able to see things fine and is on all the same shit as me (diffent type of computer though).


No, it should not fuck up any communications because you’re keeping the primary.

I wonder if the guy sitting next to you has different DNS settings. Have him run ipconfig /all and compare the DNS Server IP’s to yours.


No, it should not fuck up any communications because you’re keeping the primary.

I wonder if the guy sitting next to you has different DNS settings. Have him run ipconfig /all and compare the DNS Server IP’s to yours.


I am going to do that.
