'Picture a day' thread




Jellies town!

photoshop cs3 buddieezzzz?

Im liking this graveyard, Nick. Looks good!

Reminds me of an autocad drawing. nice

yea jims gonna hate me :ninja


Yup. :lol
My CP filter fucked me over and I seemed to have had some focusing issues. COCK SUCKER!!! Hopefully I can salvage a few. White cars are not my friend this year.

How did yours come out, Dan?

im pleased with mine … ill remove the pic if you would like :slight_smile: but you cant even tell its you haha

how did the rig come out??? please tell me it wasnt too blurry

That pic is fine, haha.

Rig seems to be good, Im trying to knock out two more cars then I’ll get to yesterdays shots, so Ill know more then.

We’ll have to meet up again sometime, it was fun!


CS5 budd-E here?! :excited

yes rofl

Pic looks like the Soup is towing that lol

oh heyyy :gay

Ryan hooked chain to it.

My first attempt ever at light painting. I like it, but I need a wider light source and a lot more practice. Came out blotchy as fuck.

came out pretty cool … wheels need more light but that might be almost impossible on glossy black wheels at night with a single light source … i kinda like it tho

Jim better have a shot of mine like that i love it!