Per request of kramerbuccs...(no car content)

Some shots of mine that I have taken over time; he said I should post more of these here lol.
I haven’t taken a landscape/water shot in a while.

2, 4, 9, 10, & 12 look phenomenal!
Nice work man


right click, save as.

exactly what i was gonna say haha

you’re ridiculous, jim :excited

oh and could i trouble you for the highest resolution you have of 2 4 5 10 12? i need more backgrounds to choose from, i’ve had an e30 M3 on BBS RS’s for like 6 months now :lol

Awesome shots man, you certainly have a knack for photography.

these would make some great back drops to steal and splice into car pics

I was going to say motivational posters, but that works as well.

Phenomenal :wow

Any links to high res? I’d love to make a background.

Shot one is begging for a Motivational Poster of standing out of the crowd or rising above the rest, or insert your generic life reasoning here.

number 10 in high res please… it will make a nice background

1,2, and 3 i love but im a colors guy

I think it was me who requested them, Kramer just confessed to stalking you. :lol

1, 9/10 are really neat, 4 is my favorite for sure.

nopeeeeeeeee i definitely requested them and you’re definitely the stalker. thanks though.

Don’t make me find the thread Kramer, I’m too tired for searching.

Well done…

Thanks for the feedback everyone!
I do have higher res, but those that I posted are the largest size on my Flickr.


find it ho

pic 8 ftw…wish i was there to tear it up with the sled…looks smooth…

Those pics all look great. You have some talent with a camera good sir