///M3 vs [S4 (aero93)

had a great time with Damir and Nicole last year and had an even better time this year thanks to Jim adding to the fun … just a casual shoot of a couple awesome daily driven cars!










Dan these pics are sick dude, thanks for the shoot and a great time
We gotta go to dinner with Jim too at some point but the pics turned out amazing !

wow these came out awesome.

8 and 10 are ca$$$H
amazing pics all around as always! wish i couldve made it

Like them all, but really feeling #4

great pics… i’d have to say 1 is probli my favorite…

are the pictures that great from just the camera or is there editing involved?

love 5, love the way its edited and love the picture itself

Me too. #4 looks like something that Top Gear would shoot on their test track.

funny you should say that … i edited it 100% to look that way !

thx … very similar to KBB’s shot but thats what happens when we are basically standing on top of eachother because we had the same idea lol

haha no the dynamic range of these pictures couldnt be captured in one frame on a camera … they are multiple exposures with many hrs of editing … and i agree i like 1 the most … one of my fav images that i have ever done

thx dood get that TL will ya!

yea would have been awesome to see you come out!


yea we were talking about sometime next week or maybe sunday since we should be shooting the R* that day

God damn, Dan. Your sky in number 1 looks real good!
We still have yet to take the identical shot. In number 10 I focused on the S4 and not the M3, you did the opposite lol.

well 5 and 9 are pretty close to your stuff haha

love #1

i think that number 1 belongs in the badass autopics thread

Really nice pics. Damn sprinklers interfering with #5. Once I get my Ty up here I want to set up a shoot.

Century Hill Dr?

Can’t really complain about the sprinklers … When they started going off kbb and I looked at eachother and both had the same idea at the same time !!! What is a TY? And this was on autopark drive I believe

A Typhoon. http://www.shift518.com/showthread.php?t=24817&page=2

dan whos m is that? cause it would look good as a black and yellow shoot…

Aero93s Gf… She would prob be up for that I’ll ask

sweet set it up

2 more that i just took
