The rough part of town...

It was a nice day today and I had the day off, so hit up a few of my favorite spots to clear my head and enjoy the day.

Yea, the sky is blown out in a few, but thats what happens when the sun is there.

there is a few that really stand out to me, great work man !

4 is my favorite. Great shots.

what lake is that? nice pics.

wondering the same thing is it glimmerglass/cooperstown

I really like #3, the depth is really nice. #4 also.

Awesome as usual. I envy your skills

7-9 and 11 are my favs

Love them all.

Pics look awesome.

P.S. Any one ever tell you, you have a sexy elbow? :ninja

Im gonna go with DEF NOT…I will have to say #8 is my favorite…nice shots

#9, #11 are my favorites. Such great work!

#'s 1, 8 and 9 are money.

Beautiful area, wouldn’t mind waking up to that view every day.

Looks like a place you visit rather often as the Subaru has seen some of those roads in the past.

Can you go take pictures like that on Orange St in Albany? That would be sick. Include natives too.

Im serious. Awesome pics there… like to same same quality come from the hood tho.

jus sayin.

^ That would be some interesting pictures :lol

nice pics. the scenery is sweet

Thanks guys!
The lake is actually a dam here in Vermont, its in Goshen.

Im actually working on doing that. Srsly. I’m working on growing a pair to walk in Arbor Hill and do some street shots. :ohnoes I may die and have someone whisper in my ear “I wanna smell your insides” but one of these days Ill attempt it.


I’ll go with ya. Just gotta bring food with ya.