'Picture a day' thread


Mother effin poutine!

^ is that butter and gravy over fries?

Nope, they are cheese curds, not butter. Thats a plate of goodness right there

I actually really like this picture KrazyKid just posted


I LOVE CHEESE CURDS. But I dont know about that combo there now then.

Best Eerie street has ever looked. :bowdown

Did you put LED lights for the licence illumination? Looks good.

Shot came out pretty sweet for being completed random. Just pulled over and snapped a few pics. Does make Erie look pretty sweet.

And yes, I have LED plate lights as well as the European Jetta LED tail lights.

Were the plate lights plug and play? If only you had a white plate :frowning:

Schenectady though has it’s moments of looking beautiful in pictures, unfortunately the feel doesn’t carry over when you’re there in person.

Remodeled central street by proctors can look like a high end street of Boston if you have no idea that it’s ghetto a few blocks from there in any direction.

They are called “No Error” LED bulbs which trick the BCM into thinking they are standard original incandescent bulbs. They are plug and play, fit right in to where the original bulbs were sitting.

Schenectady is turning around and like you mentioned, State St. between Erie Blvd. and Knott is actually really nice now. Looks like some places on Erie are starting to clean up as well. I’ve taken a bunch of photo’s down there that make it look like a really nice place.


if you’re gonna insult my wonderful city with an amazing history of technological advancements, you can at least get the street names correct :shifty


Actually they made it with chunks of mozzarella still amazing though.

intimation shit! I havent had that in forever. When i used to drive up north (just south of the boarder) I used to stop at some little shitty diner that had that on the menu and I decided to try it on a whim. Was fucking AWESOME


lol ^ awesome

first upload from the 60d, camera is more than I had hoped for, amazing how far technology comes everytime I get around to buying a new body… Going to need a couple TB of HD space and a couple other things to put together a video editing PC, already have most of what I need from my disassembled gaming PC. Not even going to attempt it with this laptop. Definitely a fun toy though, hope to give it a good workout in Lake Placid this weekend!

edited pic

Crop out the truck and dumpster too, then it will look TITS

i dont really know how to lol

edit you mean just end it at the building corner?