picture help

There is a picture I want as my avatar but its to small to see whats going on.
Is there a way to zoom and save or something?
here is the picture


What part of it do you want?

The right side of the picture, the ramp I crashed off of isn’t there. the ramp in the background, with the bike.

Hows this:


you sir
are damn gooder than me :tup:


LOL I did that using my shitty laptop and irfanview… it is a viewer not an editor. Maybe someone else will make it better for you.

But either way you are more than welcome.

Where was this ive been wanting to get a dirt bike but have no where good to ride it.

finally i know wtf ur avatar is lol

bill i know of some places in lancaster/depew area

also there is a place near garys shop i used to ride

lol as an avatar it looks like you’re going to fight your bike

It was at the supermoto track.
That was the first day the dirt section was opened, and my first time on dirt…with slicks.
I crashed about 6 times that day.
that day was a fight with the bike