pictures verizon phones

verizon people, how can i get my pics from my phone onto the internet?

you have to have a data plan, then you can email them to yourself.

Zwarbyt does it…he’ll have a better answer


go to the picture, then options, send, then type in your email address.


You can upload them to Verizon’s PixPlace

then access it over the internet.

Free… all it costs you is minutes, unless it’s a weekend or past 9

if you e-mail it to yourself you pay money

how do u visit pix place on the computer?

Or, if you are cool like me, you just save to the SD card, and then put it in your computer’s card reader…

you can also get a flickr account and send them to there… it uploads them right away and people can see what you’re up to LIVE… which is really cool.

or just get a data cable and transfer them to ur computer then use photobucket or something to host
my cell has infared so i dont even need a data cable