
I don’t care if he is a troll. As slwrthnu said I haven’t laughed this hard in ages!

I’m glad his moms dead, she can’t reproduce anymore…

This was hilarious. :skid:lol

Turns out pidar is Russian slang for gay.

vlad trolling shift?

It means ‘faggot’, not ‘gay’…but yes, basically in the same ballpark :lol




I’m crying… funniest thing I’ve read in awhile

This is amazing hahahahahaha :rofl

Or Bennyjizzum.

I think Vlad’s too big of a pidar to be that clever

idk what’s funnier , the posts from the trolls , the name Pidar which translates to faggot , or the TRUE IDIOTS in this thread like toomanysombreros who failed to notice the trolling and actually took the time to respond to these clownS LOL

good job , too bad Benny is banned for half a year otherwise he could join in this laughter

there’s a Pidar on my skeeter flick it offfff ohhhhhh there’s a Pidar on my skeeter and it smells like a beaver if u catch my drifts on reevar flick it offff

whaa whAAAAA

Congrats on being let go, you’ll enjoy your retirement. I guarantee it!
