
Hi, I’m George Zimmer, founder and CEO of the men’s wearhouse. I’d been hearing a lot lately about the merits of this Pidar fellow, so i thought i’d pay him a visit- zimmer style. As i approached his house, i heard a twig snap behind me and then out of nowhere came the leg of the one and only Pidar. Luckily my reflexes were too fast for him. My massive masculine meat-pipe burst forth from my finely-tailored trousers, ensnaring his leg with the power of a thousand anacondas. His once powerful instrument of death thusly destroyed, he was completely powerless. I decided that that ugly mug of his was not up to zimmer standards, so i determined to deliver a makeover he wouldn’t soon forget. He began to cry like a kitten under a steamroller as my pulsating pelvic piledriver delivered blow after blow to his ever-softening skull. As i finished off my flesh-sculpture, i realized that i had formed his head into the shape of devil’s tower. The shock caused me to let forth a flood of caustic cod creme that burned off that ridiculous stubble he calls a beard. He’s unconcious now, but he’ll soon wake up. He’s gonna like the way he looks. I guarantee it.


Welcome. Thanks for doing that for this community we call shift.


uh thanks i might actually need a suit for interviews and stuff do you guys take payments


Hi, I’m George Zimmer, founder and CEO of the men’s wearhouse. I have to regretfully inform you that we do not take payment plans. What I can offer you is the following. I’d like to beat your chest with my enormously heavy, throbbing pelvic crocodile until I geyser a huge waterfall of sticky baby dressing on your face. I’ll mop it up with my thick head and slap it on your lips so they don’t chap. You’ll cum so hard your downstairs neighbors will need to change their sheets. Invite your mother too and I will split her in twine with my massive cock meat. I guarantee it.

i live in a one floor townhous so i doubt that and my moms dead thanks

i don’t know whats going on on shift today, but i haven’t laughed this much while visiting this forum in forever.

oviously youve never felt a loss that great or you wouldn be laughing

same anybody want to take best at whole George really is my money is on LKSi

they aren’t laughing at that, more the rediculousness of the whole thread.

your post doesnt make sense

Ok let me rephrase you came on the forum and made quite a few interesting and humorous posts. The guy who made the initial post you found offensive wasn’t trying to directly make fun of the death of a family member.

but when you post stuff like this what do you really expect.

wow bro wish i new how to quote like that id look up some of you posts and make fun of your mom

:lol Want to be freinds Pidar?

:rofl at this whole post lol

Sent from my fecal collecting throne

Do as you wish. I’m not picking on you my only comment was given some of the stuff you posted up here in the last few hours is it really surprising somebody with too much free time made a thread busting on you.

did you split her in twine?


This guy makes specialkid seem oddly… Not special?

If not troll, do we have a new specialkid?

Attempting to comprehend this guy’s posts is like trying to read the posts from the Justin Vannostrand mustang crash thread when his inbred family started coming in.