This is Possibly the end :( Good night sweet prince

Dear Shift518 members, scoundrels and scallywags,

Due to recent events that some will say is my fault ( I am currently in disagreement with the US government and state of NY) it appears that your beloved SRS BZNS may be going away for a little while. I would not like to think of it as a good bye but merely a vacation.

It appears the the US government frowns upon any kind of sexual act with a female under the age of 17. To this i responded that her fake ID stated she was 23 and while I questioned the fact that she she was 6’1" tall yet a good 6" shorter than my 5’11" inch frame and her seeming year around tan had faded, i figured i would be open minded and not judge her. After all girls lie about their weight all the time so why should I call her out about her height and the fact she wasn’t of latino decent. Who am I to judge. No I was also thrown off to the fact she was indeed 14 by the way she hoovered my wang. This girl sucked so well i got light headed. On top of that she rode me as if i was a mechanical bull.

But anyway on to my problem. It appears that said 14 year old was actually a robot sent by the FBI to trick and entrap me. They believe that I indeed am the internet meme pedobear hiding in a man suit which at this current point in time I can neither deny or attest to. Rather than sending me on a nice little vacation to the county lock up where i can work on how jacked and tan i am and watch free cable they have chosen to have me deported.

This my friends is where you come in. If I am married and supporting a family I can not be deported. I need you Shift518 to find me a wife, preferably young looking, perky 32b sized breasts, tan, brunette or blonde, rich or rich parents, good cook. Im not picky so as long as she has all of the above i will be able to remain with you all


P.s. needs to have been a women all her life. No Shims.


post tits i can have or


Is this the perpetrator? She tried to approach me at the Rusty Nail Tuesday night.

Luckily I’m not so good at closing.

you need to borrow my plate.

FYI, I know you’re new to Clifton Park, but the Nail is the polar opposite wrong place to look for CP.

nah I have pictures so lolibot at home. will post up when i arrive there at 5

No Ron! We won’t let them take you away!

Correct. Starbucks, clifton park center, toys R us, hannaford, walmart, planned parent hood these places will net you better results

I assure you I was not looking.

Cougars, eh? Nice.

Nothing wrong with a sugar momma.Well in Jesses case it would be a sugar daddy


if you get locked up I’m adopting the Soarer to take excellent care of it till your triumphant return, master Jedi

I’m going to steal it and take it off some sweet jumps.

I believe i have found a Puerto Rican girl to marry me.

A little old though 22 :frowning:

seans sister is single right?

This is a tragic event, indeed.