Piece of glass 2'x3' or similar

It’s for a coffee table I made a while back and never found glass for.

I can do 2’x3’ or something proportionally larger. I know it’s a long shot, but maybe someone has an old table they don’t want and are willing to break apart.

I think Hamburg Glass can do that for $20 or somewhere around there. They are quick and cheap.

lowes/hd sells glass to afaik. along with value home center

Keep in mind it needs beveled edges since it will be exposed and just sitting on top of a frame. But I’ll check out those options. Thanks guys.

my step brother made this a while ago, Ill ask him where he got the glass. I assume you want something thicker than window pane glass…

Flower City Glass, it cost about $325, but it is 3/8" thick, 3x4 feet with a scratch resistant coating and it is tempered. I went overboard, but I am sure you could get a better price for a smaller cut.


There is a glass shop by the circle in East Aurora by where starbucks used to be. I think it was called Aurora Glass or something like that. Their prices were fairly reasonable from what I remember. check em out.

Wish you had posted this earlier, We had 6’ x 4’ (<- guess) of thick glass.

paulo i have one! i think its 2.5ft by 4ft. let me kno has beveled edge $25!

theres a place in tonawanda off erie that cuts glass and is pretty cheap.

Call Am Thor glass on Bailey in Buffalo, they cut the glass for our lighting boxes in our blast booth and it was cheap!

I found a couple pieces in my basement yesterday. I didn’t measure but I would guess the one closest to your asking size is 1.5’ x 3’ or so. i can measure them if you’re interested.

Not really looking for any $, I have no use for them and they will just sit there until I move someday.

Let me know if you’ve already got something or you want me to measure what i have.