i need it for my beer pong table and it’s hard to find a decent price.
i’d even use plate glass, tempered glass is waaaay to expensive for this guy.
the dimensions are 84 3/8" x 30 3/8"
so far the best price i got for plate glass was $115 for 1/4" thick stuff. and that includes being rounded on the edges.
for plexi a sheet of 3/16" thick was $130 and that would sag like no other. i guess i could try making a support in the middle of the table but…it might look wierd…
just use alot of small peices with some sort of support grid underneath i think that would look way cooler than one solid sheet. Or just stop being a high rolla and use wood and paint the wood some cool design or somthing like a frat symbol etc.
there used to be a plexi-glass factory in north buffalo that a friend of mine used to go for large sheets of it. i’ll see if i can get the address from him when i get out of work today.
what i was getting at… you stated that you bent sheet metal up about 3/4" above the playing surface… so this un-tempered glass will be supported at the edges, essensially a point concentration.
If you want a somewhat simple solution…i say lay the glass flat on the turf and call it a day. The ‘beer pong’ scene does tend to get rowdy. I’d take a somewhat safer route and not ‘levitate’ the glass.
^ i see what your saying, and if it comes down to it i may have to. It’s just that i took the time to make the lip like that and it would definitly look better with the glass levitated.
i’m also now thinking of just using small clear cylindrical pieces to support thin plexi in the middle.
we’ll see what happens. finances hurt so bad that i might just do that, or lay it flat.
i wouldnt use 1/4" w/o supports. You will need some type od support in the middle, because it will sag, and be unsafe. Or you could double up the plexi…
I’m not sure the exact name, but there is a substance that turns from liquid to a hard, clear surface for table. You should raise the edges of the table with some wood strips, fill the table in with this liquid/lacquer substance, it will solidify, there’s your indestructable tabletop. My friends did this, it worked perfectly - clear and solid.
^^ i know what your talking about but as far as i know that stuff isn’t cheap. and plus the glass is supposed to “raised” above the surface of the “field”
np guys, just keep it in the dl, im abusing UB pretty bad here lol. I may be thinking of the 4’x4’ price, 8’x4’ may be closer to $40, but ill check tommorow…