Pimp your kids powerwheels = sweet


There are some sweet ideas on there, check it out.

OMG… I cant wait to have kids just so I can get my hands on one haha My kids are gonna have sweet power wheels :smiley:

I wanna see one with a 2 stroke motor swap lol

Haha, I already have a Jeep taken apart in the garage. Though I wanted to make it more of a giant R/C car than anything. :slight_smile:

heh pretty cool

we used to work on them at my old job, fixing them and such, be neat to have a fast one heh

“Dad, what are you doing to my powerwheels jeep?”

“Shut up Tommy, you are going to beat that Billy Smith at all costs!! Now hand me that GT35R over there.”

I’d get my kids a camaro powerwheels. It would have line lock and rubber rear tires… You guessed it, burnouts only.

haha, my dads friend put a car battery in his kids’ powerwheel instead of the little one that comes with it…carted me around pretty well, so it probably flew with a 50lb kid in it

My thoughts were to put a circular saw motor or something in it, so it would really rip the plastic wheels loose.


i got the kid a escalade last year. Since I am in love with stangs not, I think I might get him the new stang drop top come spring

My cousin had the gator model with 2 speeds.

Wired in 24 volt and in low gear it would stand on the back bumper…not joking.LOL

Go for it! It’s the fastest box-stock Powerwheels made. We tested it with full weight to get it to 5mph (I work at FP)…put a 30 lb kid in there and the thing rips. I got one for my niece and she gets a kick out of racing all the boys in the neighborhood.


Just for giggles, I hooked a 12v lawntractor battery to a old 6v 4-wheeler. Couldn’t keep the front-end down or even use the damned thing. Mostly because it was too damn tiny for me to sit on.

lol. i want to see the actual vid


Your video sir. Pretty damned silly.

Alright, so who wants to have a modified power wheels competition?

Already have a 12v Jeep dissambled in the garage I’m down.

Word, Im gonna go AWD and 24 volt!!!

hahahahahaha thats funny as hell, and looks like it would hurt pretty bad

