
we all know you’re the uber computer has all the big toys my shit will always outclass your shit person…but i odont’ consider dual xeon’s lame

that’s reality brother… jealousy suxors.

and whitey and bobby have a few of what i have… so they must be the uber awesomest guys on here.

you should see the machines UPMC uses in the nuclear medicine department for imaging… my friend’s dad gets to use them… fucking TERABYTES of madness… they’ve had that shit for years too.

seen one datacenter, seen them all man… a terabyte isn’t that muhc… i fuckin back up 2 terabytes a night to tape…


lol… i never understood hardware pissing contests… like, i’m impressed with the hardware for a moment, but it’s not like i wish i had it. If a PC does everything you need it to, I think you’re solid.

My mom’s eMachine? Sorry by anyone’s standards. But she can check her checking account and my brothers can play The Sims, so they’re set.

exactly, but it is a hell of a lot to a home user. apples and oranges. UPMC had terabytes when we all still had EDO ram and 1 gig hard drives.

well these workstations are just for image viewing from pacs they really only have to be as fast as viewing a full screen CT cine while using the same study on the color monitor for 3D reconstruction, but it still doesn’t work it flickers like crazy after a lil bit.

as for imaging the shit needed to process mammography is rediculous because of all the CAD (i think that’s what they’re finally calling it, computer aided detection.)

but you’re right any CT/MR/NM study where you’re taking a series of images that are 40meg each is gonna need some major hardware requirements to process that shit in the ms it does it

nuke med isn’t a datacenter he’s talking about the machines themselves :kekegay:

‘nuke med’ is a department asswipe.

waht machines? i’m going to take SHALERPUNKS word on waht his friends dad gets to ‘play with’.

please… you two don’t even begin to understand this shit… it’s pointless to even argue with me.

you’re an IT guy do you work in a hospital? do you know what nuke med is? do you know what they do? it’s not a fucking datacenter :rolleyes:

lol… like there are tons of things you don’t understand.

i’m glad i don’t understand what i work with everyday WTF do you think they do in nuculear medicine? this isnt’ the 80’s we dont’ store studies on tape systems anymore and haven’t since 1995 shit even avh (or whatever the hell it’s called now) as outdated as they are stores MR and CD on cd and then the individual studies are archived in the file room

it’s a department you fucking inbred douchebag.

the ‘datacenter’ at UPMC is the big cold room with all the lights… I"VE BEEN INSIDE OF IT.


yup i’ve been in there too but only briefly since their primary archive system is from a certain UPMC shareholder (or was cuz it’s phillips now) but that’s not what either of us are talking about we’re talking now is it? we were both talking about storage from the systems themselves not the datacenter and nuke med =! datacenter :tool:

tell you what come do my job mr uber computer i know everythign there is to know about everything in this world. i’m sure you can handle a san upgrade and taking their storage systems to v 3.1…just make sure when it doens’t work you tell them there was nothing you could do about it because i sure wouldnt want to be responsible for 7 years of patient information loss

no, i just think it’s sad that people find some kind of superiority in buying more expensive hardware.

If I nail three nails a year, I’ll buy a $10 hammer.
If I’m a contractor, I’ll buy a nailgun.

dude… please just stop talking.

i never said it was a datacenter, i said the ‘TERABYTES’ of stoarge was the data center… i SAW the servers they use for saving the MRI’s and CT’s… i WAS IN THE FUCKING ROOM… so until you point out something like the model of computer that they are using, you have no argument. also, their admin told me that he wanted to go to slim clients… so if that’s the case, you’re even more mistaken that thought.

please stop responding…

analogy failed.

how so?

If someone uses a computer for word processing and iTunes, they’re fine with a $300 Circuit City special. Spending $2000 on a decent machine would have a practically unnoticable effect on their day-to-day PC usage.

at the time he’s talking about upmc did not use their “datacenter” for storage, until stentor came along that shit was stored locally on the machines taking the images because there was no dicom. but i’m sure you knew that. besides i dont’ even know why we’re talking about upmc which is hardly the model for 21st century technology

incorrect… at least in pittsburgh, they were using an OnBase data imaging server…

i set one up at my last job with a healtcare company and was asked to LOOK at thier setup.