Pink VW gets owned By a chic car

hahaha! x2! :whitey:

whenever you want to line em up just let me know, until then STFU. Thanks.

me,but couldnt get none of either cause there heart is with u!!! :asshole

me > roland… it’s been proven a couple times… :tounge:

:grouphug: :bigok:

me>turbovw18 it’s been proven a couple times :gaysex: :asshole

ehhh took nos at the track to beat teh vw… we never got that third run in… eh sam :rofl: :reloading :kekegay: :love: :grouphug:

I never juiced u at the track or on the street. :kekegay:

yeah, I heard that before :rofl:

u got a full bottle pass from me bitch :gaysex:

a win is a win

umm not on the street… but at the track you ran 14.7 i ran 14.1 then you ran 13.2 … but you didn’t spray :ugh: :ugh: :weak: :itr41:

:kiss: :hsdance:

the 14.1 and 14.7 happen because my tranny was fuckin up on me and it still fucked up on me when I sprayed it. thats why I ran a 13.2 at 86mph I only used 2 gears because I couldnt shift into 3rd ass.

(RICEREXCUSE*) :hsdance:


plus you had those dirt track tires… :crying: :crying:

u weigh less then me and plus I gave u a 2 second headstart and I still beat u :eek:


my vw weighs 3k lbs.

:bigthumb: :nono:

sorry little ricer boy!!! :burnout: