Street racing stories

Okay spring has sprung and it’s time for reminising about old racing stories. Post them here and share your tales.:bigok:

last street race i went to i was running from the cops while carrying solow:rofl:

I remember racing Black_ws6 when he had his Prelude with intake, and exhaust work with my bone stock 100K mile sho and winning. It may of been the fact that he sucks at driving though, who knows?


I remember racing my dad in his 91 mustang against my sho and losing because I went from the top of 3rd gear into 2nd instead of 4th gear like I was supposed to. That was the last time I drove my sho. :frowning:

I don’t have a car worth racing right now unless someone wants to race a stock crown vic with 2.73’s in it. :slight_smile:

Man I always hear about all of this racing out on route 8 or McKnight Rd. Me and my buddies met up and the local dragstrip(somewhere in Beaver County) and would tear off a couple of races. Then be sitting around and someone else and his group of buddies would show up. By the end of the night we would have 20 cars or so sitting off the road up on a hill watching and waitng for a chance to run. We went out with a 100 foot tape measure and walked off the 1320. This was at least 15 years ago and there still is a mark on the guard rail if you know where to look.


but it was fun !

Best street race i’ve ever had was when i was just bolt on L98 against a stock twin turbo stealth. I jumped out in front, held him off till the top of second and my trans blew and i lost 3-4 clutch pack and had to limp home in 2 gears

I had one quick short blast with the 383 car with a 5.0 stang but never got the oppurtunity for anything else last year.

I have more fun at the track sometimes tho. Every now and then i get a good race. Last year was with a high 11 second diesel truck. Came down to the last 300 feet where i finally pulled. 11.52 to his 11.8x and he left the line first

Due to pending litigation I am unable to discuss the case.

Lol MX-6 vs. Crown Vic

I never street raced

only place i ever raced was back in the day when we closed down oakland at the intersection on 5th & Forbes. Good times.

One time I ran a stock '04 Civic EX 5 speed and I had my Jeep Grand Cherokee. I put 2 car lengths on him and let out.

It was intense. His 16.8 sec Civic vs. My 15.8 sec Jeep. INTENSE.

My most memorable street race was watching a 69 Yenko Camaro vs. a 69 428 CJ Mach 1 on **** in Leetsdale in the early 70’s. Yenko walked the Mach 1 bad. Lotta muscle back then. Lotta races too.

I bet the 70s was awesome for street racing.

Indeed it was…No civics

one time me and my buddy were walking back from a bar and he fell on some ice. so i started kicking snow in his hair and he jumped up and started chasing me. i beat him by half a car

My favorite street race i have ever seen would have to be a certain black 03 kb cobra around the pittsburgh area that is now sold and a certain old 95ish red audi with at least 15k under the hood who’s owner is related to a certain man with a serious pony tail on this board . They were on the undisclosed privately owned race track about 15 minutes outside of pittsburgh around 2 am. One unexpecting cobra owner and about 40 people watching couldnt believe how fast that audi was. The audi took the cobra from a dig all the way to 160ish about 2 1/2 to 3 cars and was still in front. From a 30 mph roll the cobra pulled 3 cars. The cobra was on bald tires, if you know him you will know he always has cords showing. Both high ten, low 11 cars. Was good stuff. Wish i got to see the videos from that night. The camera car was a pretty sweet red del sol with a big turbo on it that was recently sold. I got the pleasure of following in a lexus gs400 with the unnamed pony tail man. The audi was extremely quiet until it got ready to race , then all you hear is a 2step sort of thing and BAm . That car is a true sleeper.

I remember this time, some kid with a black 240 raced another kid in a white truck. The kid the black 240 kept telling said gentleman in the white truck to fill his bottle but he wouldn’t. Then another kid in another (at the time) black 240 also told him to fill his bottle but he once again denied. And then some deaf guy in a red truck and about 13 other people told him fill his bottle and he wouldn’t.

Needless to say the kid in the first black 240 cleaned up on the truck beating him from a dig and a roll on camera…


that kid with a 240 has no chance with a white truck now. that white truck is um, how can i say this without being a nut hugger. badass, gonna take alot to beat it. really gonna be alot to take it on.

shit happens on the street. anything is possible.

haha where the hell is guffey and jeff??? oh there they are hahahahaha