pinks video

has been downloaded close to 5000 times in the past week… woot


just got this email

I am going to feature your video submission on the main web page, but I thought you should know we have a 15 minute cut-off, and it appears the back half of your video was cut off by the encoder. What is the total length of your video? FWIW I am going to see if I can’t get the guys to run it through the encoder again without the time limit.

Adam Bruce -
(404) 355-6891


FYI, Adam Bruce is one of the founders…

:boink :boink :boink

wow. awesome. the video turned out really well IMO
props to you


just went back and forth a billion emails… They are going to run the video in full length over there… So that means no more 15 minute crap. This is something they rarely do! I am siked!

cool man… get bruce out here and lets talk him into some business… :slight_smile:

congrats :bigok:

Good job!

Does the value of Pittspeed go up now :rofl:

alrighty on it

this video just rounded 11,000 times downloaded from pittspeed. I think it was up to 1000 on google video, and right around 2000 on Streetfire. So I think that was pretty decent marketing for just word of mouth. We still have the release on the frontpage of Streetfire. Not sure exactly when that will be, but I gave him the episode air date.
