Pinks Videos on Streetfire

push the video!!! Rumor has it, this video might just end up on the front page of Streetfire!!!

It has already been downloaded from this site 8000 times!

I jus watched them both - excellent vids :bigthumb:

Is that 2nd video “legal” to post b4 the show airs?

why not? it was a public show… anyone that was there could tape the race.

Ohh…I thought there was talk the video was not to be posted till after it airs…oh well still cant wait till I see it on TV


thats the same video as before but in two versions?

right… there system only takes 15 minutes at a time video

oh ok

I tried doing a search for it on streetfire, but wasn’t able to find it easily. Can you name search terms on there when uploading a video?

nice, some more advertising for the sponsors and site. you guys earned it, good for you! :smiley: